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Showing Results for: “hypoglycemia unawareness”

Sharing My Story: Roxanna

Roxanna, from Brownsville, Texas, shares the story of her diagnosis — and how it changed her life. My diabetes journey began in August 2016. I was 29 years old. Like many who are first diagnosed, I ended up in the hospital with high blood sugar, severe dehydration, fatigue and exhaustion. “If you were my sister,” I recall my doctor saying, “I’d send you to the hospital.” And off to the hospital I went. I remember that day like it was yesterday: the doctors, the nurses, the diabetes educator, the concerned look on my parents’ faces. I didn’t even know what diabetes was at the time, much less

Meet Alex

Alexandra Park is an actress, writer, and producer best known for her role on The Royals and the Australian series Home and Away . She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and dog. My diabetes diagnosis could not have come at a worse time. It was two months before I was set to leave Australia to move to Los Angeles. My doctors advised me to cancel the move, but I was determined and moved to LA as planned. Shortly after, I accepted the role of Princess Eleanor for the TV series The Royals and I was off to London for filming.   On set, I was obsessed with keeping my blood sugars in range, and

Common Terms

Browse list of diabetes-related terms and their definitions- Adapted from NIDDK.

Access to Continuous Glucose Monitors in Pediatric Diabetes Populations Improves Glycemic Control, Reduces Hypoglycemia and Improves Satisfaction with Diabetes Care and Technology Use

Diabetes requires management 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year and presents numerous daily challenges, particularly for families of young children and for adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) can help young persons and families monitor glucose levels in real time, alerting them to a possible need for treatment adjustments. Today, two studies about the use of CGMs in pediatric and young adult populations were presented in the “Joint ADA/JDRF Symposium – Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Pediatric Diabetes — Ready for

FAQs on CGM Coverage Criteria Changes in Medicare

Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on CGM coverage criteria changes in Medicare on March 2, 2023.