Life with Diabetes

Diabetes Type Confusion

Type 1 diabetes is often mistakenly thought of as a childhood disease. However, it is estimated that half of all new type 1 diagnoses develop after the age of 20. In addition, people with type 1 are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. This means there’s a robust population of older adults with type 1 diabetes. 

Some older adults with diabetes are running races, while others reside in nursing homes. The key to living well into old age with diabetes is to make sure to get personalized care that meets you where you are. 

Regardless of diabetes, safety becomes increasingly important for all seniors.

Diabetes Type Confusion

A problem older adults encounter in getting good care is the assumption of type 2 diabetes instead of type 1 diabetes by health care professionals. Because type 2 is more prevalent than type 1, people with type 1 diabetes must insist that all of their providers, caregivers, and family members know what type of diabetes they have and how to treat it.

Be Clear About Your Diabetes Type

Make sure all your health care providers, caregivers, and family members know what type of diabetes you have and how to treat it. They need to know that if you have type 1 diabetes and do not get insulin, you can become seriously ill within hours. This information should be in your electronic medical record and recorded on smartphone health information apps. Also, wear a medical ID that says “Type 1 Diabetes—Insulin.” Having an insulin pump can signal that someone has type 1 diabetes, but people with type 2 diabetes can also have insulin pumps, so it is best to spell this information out clearly.